Sunday, March 13, 2011

Holy Bandwidth Limits, Batman!

MM everyone!

I just got an email from Podbean telling me that I'd used up 80% of my monthly bandwidth. Curiosity made me go to my site and I saw that I had almost 160 episode hits!

My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe it. I only have one thing to say...

Thank you. Thank you so much to all of you who have listened. Thank you to everyone who has given me feedback. Thank you to those who've listened to my baby podkin episodes, subscribed, and are awaiting for future episodes. Stick by me folks, I plan on having a pretty long run, and I hope it's as informative and entertaining as I intend.

Speaking of future episodes, I'm still working on my faith episode, and I would love to hear what you think about it. Hit me up, yo! (lol ^_^)


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